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After all, the urban gay male culture surrounding him fully supports his sexual exploits as long as the sex is safe. For some gay men fully committed to open sexual choices and experiences, modifying their sexual behavior and restricting their sexual freedoms is like going back in time and surrendering to homophobic attitudes often found in conservative culture. And for some, this addiction is more difficult to diagnose than in others. For most people those moments are followed by resolves to 'never do it again', but somehow after the promise is made, they often find themselves in the exact same location doing something they vowed to never do again. Some are news making moments, such as the public censure when a congressman, minister, general, or professional athlete is cited for unacceptable sexual behavior. A moment comes for every addict when the consequences are so great or the pain is so bad that the addict's life becomes out of control because of his or her behavior.

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